Maps and Transport
We first look at a macroscopic view of Southampton. Most of the conference talks and events will take place on Highfield campus.
On August 9th, the final talk concludes at 16:00. Delegates will then be ushered to the Highfield Interchange, where we will catch the U1C bus for a 20 min journey to Civic Center (Stop AI). The Sea City museum tickets are valid from 17:00, and the museum is a 2 minute walk from this stop.
On August 10th, the poster competition concludes at 18:00. Again, delegates will depart from Highfield Interchange on the U1C. This time we will stop at Holyrood Church (Stop BE) for the 19:00 dinner at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Grand Harbor.
Bus tickets are provided in your conference pack. The U1 drawn in blue on the map serves all stops every 10 mins between 05:35 and 19:45. It continues less frequently and serves fewer stops between 19:35 and 01:00. The U2 drawn in red on the map serves all stops every 30 mins between 07:47 - 19:25. Note that Southampton busses have different suffixes when travelling north (e.g. U1A) than when travelling south (e.g. U1C).
We now zoom in on Highfield campus. All university buildings have both a name and number. The summer school (8th August) will take place in building 2 Annex. The conference talks (9th-11th August) will be in building 100 Centenary. Meal and social activities will be hosted in building 38 Arlott. We also point out the location of the Highfield interchange for all bus routes that pass though campus.
For an interactive map of all campus buildings please use this link:
Highfield Campus
Interactive Map
Click on the pins below to get directions to the main locations.